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Design Development Phase

The design development phase surrounds the schematic design of the project. This stage is important with adhering to the Town Planning Permit and detailing any changes which need to be considered to move the project forward.

During the design development stage and tender process, Alpha14 will manage the engagement of all necessary consultants and oversee their reports including but not limited to:

  • project manager
  • architect
  • town planner
  • Geotech engineer
  • environmental consultant
  • heritage consultant
  • ESD consultant
  • Surveyor
  • wind engineer
  • waste consultant
  • access consultant; etc.

The design development stage involves complex changes and additions to the project plans. The changes made will be the final working drawings guiding the project’s construction. It is important that Alpha14 manages and engages all necessary consultants at this stage.

Once the design development stage is complete and has reached a sufficient stage, a tender will be put to market to numerous builders to construct the project.

Alpha14 will oversee the tender process and prepare tenders. The tender documents include the final working drawings, project specifications, materials, and the project’s fixtures and finishes. Afterwards, Alpha14 will initiate the selective tendering process and establish a tender list through the expressions of interest. Alpha14 will shortlist tenderers based on their pre qualification, and meet with chosen builders to work through establishing the most suitable builder for the project. Once a tender is chosen, Alpha14 will ensure the projects’ financier approves of chosen builder before having the construction contract prepared, negotiated and executed.

Our Work & Our Values

At Alpha14 we are guided by our Director & Founder Toby Pope’s 6 fundamental values. It builds the foundation of the work that we do.


At Alpha14, we follow our founder and director Toby Pope’s values of integrity. We strive to engage the best consultants throughout the development planning and tender processes. We work closely with all consultants so that we can provide clear and honest guidance during this complex stage of the project’s life.

Long Term Relationships

Throughout the development planning and tender process, we always ensure clear communication with all stakeholders as there may be slight changes when the project’s plans become more detailed. Alpha14 director and founder Toby Pope will always ensure that all stakeholders are happy with the project specifications before taking further action. At Alpha14, we foster all relationships, new or longstanding. We build on relationships through our efficiency, attention to detail, clear communication, and smooth processes.

Quality Products

Alpha14 always ensures quality products through the detailed working plans which are put to tender. When shortlisting the tenders, The Alpha14 Team & Director Toby Pope will always consider the builder’s history and past projects to ensure maximum quality is achieved. 

Market Confidence

Alpha14 will always ensure that the development planning will follow the direction of the market through closely following the town planning permit’s guidance, as well as the guidance of all engaged consultants.

Flexibility with Negotiations

Maintaining flexibility is important throughout the design development stage and tendering processes as plans become more detailed. The Alpha14 team follows director Toby Pope’s ethic and always maintains flexibility with negotiations during the tendering process when discussing contracts with the proposed builder for the project.

Positive and Rewarding Working Environments

A key value that drives Alpha14 is a positive working environment. At Alpha14, we are guided by our founder Toby Pope who always celebrate key milestones, whether big or small. We are always available to help with any doubts or requests from all stakeholders. Working together is what we love to do.